So, it is 2012. I don’t like to think about the end of a year or the beginning of a new one, as I see the time as a continuous flow (and IF I need to split a year, it is Summer for me splitting it in two parts).

Anyway, 2012 will be the Alan Turing Year. Time to celebrate 🙂
I am planning to visit the UK again this year, and take a look at the exhibitions of the London’s science museum and the museum of Manchester, other than try to visit Bletchey Park.

The past months were plenty of events, and just to join the crowd of people stating their resolutions for the new year (and inspired by this nice article) I think that I want to keep my home cleaner, work out more regularly and start eating healthier. Not sure about become a vegetarian, but I would like to reduce the amount of meat in my life.

Oh, and apparently I will visit Shangai this year for IPDPS 2012 😀

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