The Summer
Still in good old Amstelveen, but this will be my last month here, it’ll soon be time to go back home. And then ? Oh, I’m planning to do many things next year, but you will probably hear something later on, it’s not the right time now.
Tonight the Netherlands will play against Spain in the final of the football world cup, and of course it’s raining here, after few days of an amazing sun. Probably I’ll be in Museumplein to watch the match, not a big football fan, but anyway, world cup finals are world cup finals 🙂
I will miss this place, but probably I will write something more sentimental about leaving the Netherlands and Amsterdam (and mostly all the nice people I’ve met here) in few weeks, for now I will just enjoy all the opportunities that this country is offering me, and will work on my master thesis (I should probably write something about it in the other website, but let’s wait a couple of months more…).
Bye bye folks 😉
One Reply to “The Summer”
Enjoy the last month!